Monday, January 28, 2008

more about social networking

I am further amazed at how many more websites I have come across that are forms of Web 2.0, specifically social networks. There are sites out there like Xanga, Faceparty, Cardomain, and many other sites that involve Web 2.0 that serve social purposes. The ironic thing is that I came across these sites through Wikipedia (a 2.0 member itself). It seems this boom is going to continue for a long time, and the amount of people will most likely grow larger that use these. While generations change and people get older, the younger crowd will take over the use of these social network sites. I would be very excited if I were one of the lucky ones who came up with these ideas.
I still think the most amazing thing about social sites are how much information people are willing to share about themselves. People are willing to put up pictures of themselves doing almost anything, and are willing to write revealing information as well. It’s funny because these are personal things that they probably wouldn’t be willing to share if they were asked to by their teacher on the first day of class, but are ok with letting random people see. I think this aspect may pose some major questions and problems in the future.

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