Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 30 entry

I think everyone here is in agreement that classes just know how to pack on the work at the end of the semester. It is good that in this class we have had good time to work on these wiki’s we are making. Unlike some classes, which decide to add more to the work load and the last second, it’s pretty ridiculous but it happens to everyone every year so whatever. I think that I will be spending a lot of time on my wiki, making it my main focus to finish after tonight because I have a big paper due tomorrow that I have been focusing mainly on the last couple days. I wonder if I will prefer the traditional work of writing essays for English classes or doing a Web 2.0 project? It seems like both involve a lot of writing and research, but I think Web 2.0 requires more research because it isn’t opinion oriented like many essays we are assigned.


Courtney said...

I just got done writing about a lot of the same things. It's a rough time of year, but luckily there are only a couple of weeks left, right? :)

JoshNall said...

Looking back at this a day a day before the first day of finals, sigh...