Saturday, May 3, 2008

more for today

I must write another blog entry so I can get 4 for the week, so I'm doing 2 on the same day for the first time. Maybe I should discuss why I am making a wiki on how to get in good shape. I have a physical wellness class I am taking and it is really interesting and I think that there are alot of different ideas about getting and staying in shape, so I thought people would want to learn about it. I am writing about different types of effective exercises, ways to recover, and foods you should eat. This PB wiki thing is kind of making me mad right now, because I made a new page earlier, but forgot to save it, so now the thing is gone and I just realized it. Oh well, I guess I can just take more time to go back and find what I was writing about and do it again....

1 comment:

JoshNall said...

If you check your recent history it may have that page still up. Or if you navigated away from the page before it should still have a link to the page you didn't save.