Thursday, February 14, 2008


The quote that I liked most from the "Connected" readings was the one about power and how structures aren't just one thing but made up of many things. "Like every infrastructure, from highway systems to the internet, the power grid is not really a single entity, but several regional networks cobbled together under the rubric of greater connectivity for the good of all". This is saying that it takes alot of different ideas and workings to come together in order to create something great. This sort of reminds me of Power Rangers, when all of the individual robots would combined together to make the Megazord to beat one bad guy, rather than attack 5 on 1. I never understood why they didn't just go at him as individuals, seeing as they would outnumber him. However, I came to the realization that together they were more powerful as one bot than as 5. This is how the internet works. It takes a bunch of individual ideas, pages, scripts, and people to combine together to create this ultra influential being that outweights every other form of digital communication. We need power lines to talk to people on the phone, we need broadcast stations to watch TV shows, we need many different yet connected things in order to create these big powerful forces.

1 comment:

nrry83 said...

Nice example! I never would have thought about the web being like the power rangers but it makes sense!