Wednesday, April 23, 2008

practing free writing

Boyce does make a lot of sense for his claims that free writing is good for you and your writing. I just got done writing a long, tedious paper for another class, and realized that since it had to be 7 pages and I only had 6 and a half, I needed to add on another pointless paragraph that was unnecessary and wouldn’t improve the paper at all, in fact in would probably due the opposite. I had no clue what else I could possibly say about this subject, so being stuck I decided to open up a new document and just free write whatever the heck I could think of. I stuck to free writing about my paper subject and just wrote a bunch of stuff I thought was funny and other stuff that relates to the paper that I was feeling. Then it hit me that I could revise my conclusion paragraph and include some of my thoughts I developed while free writing that I was thinking. I was actually thinking more about my subject and analyzing it more openly when I was free writing to myself than when I was trying to do it for the paper. So I used some of these ideas and I think it makes the paper better. I think free writing opens your mind and reduces stress which is exactly what you need to write essays sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you, good for your paper, good for making points with Donna since she loves Boice so much! (No offense, Donna -- I believe in the power of freewriting to free our minds, too -- go Elbow!)