Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Tonight I added an entry to a page on my PBwiki. This is the first time I did anything like that and it feels good to have done it. I feel like this is good and I can get stuff done. I realized that I actually have been checking a popular Web 2.0 site quite frequently, and it relates to Mizzou. I like to read, a wiki style site that some MU alum made some years ago and became popular with tiger sports fans. The site is a forum where people can go and post stuff about MU sports. There are thousands of users and this site is so popular on the sports scene that it is often referenced and used as a source by sportscasters in Kansas City. People can rant, post pictures, talk smack or praise anyone and anything about MU. Its pretty amusing to read, and many of the people claim they are “insiders” who must keep their identities secret for the sake of their positions within MU. Ha, I don’t know about that but I do know some MU players and sometimes coaches check to see what is being said about them because I have heard them mention it in interviews before.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Yay for the new page! That's how progress happens, one step at a time.